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EMCCU Organizes Orientation Day for New Students  

heba karim-eldin  (380)

    Dr. Nermin Al-Azraq: Our goal is to market student competencies to the media work environment
    Dr. Amr El-Leithy: Students have proven competencies and ability to keep pace with the developments of new media
    The Faculty of Mass Communication English Section (EMCCU) organized this morning an orientation day for the new students, under the patronage of Prof. Mohamed Othman El-khosht, President of Cairo University, and Prof. Hanan Guneid, Dean of the Faculty, and the supervision and organization of Prof. Nermin Al-Azraq, Head of the English Section, and Dr. Samah Al-Mohammadi, Vice President of the Section, with the participation of a group of media professionals from the faculty graduates.
    At the beginning of the ceremony, Dr. Nermin Al-Azraq welcomed the guests of the ceremony and the new EMCCU students. She congratulated them for joining the English Section, which is among the most important study programs at the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University. Dr. Al-Azraq noted that the study program over the past years has made many achievements. At the level of marketing student competencies in the media workplace.

    The head of the English Section program explained that the students of the program over the past years have achieved many superiorities over their peers among graduates of other media faculties and entered the media labor market.
    The Media prominent figure, Dr. Amr El-Leithi said that the Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University is a milestone among the rest of the media faculties and the parent faculty that has embraced and graduated many media professors in the Arab world. It is a great edifice and a house of expertise in the field of media work and the graduation of media students and to qualify them to join the media labor market. He explained that the faculty always seeks to keep its graduates in line with the developments of media work, and that the faculty student throughout the study period was among the competencies included in any media institution.
    Dr. Al-Leithi noted that the study program for media in English was one of the study programs that were able over the past period to export competencies and professional training to the labor market, noting that the students of the program were able to prove their competencies and even work to keep pace with the developments of the new media, which was reflected in the level of graduates from the program, which is distinguished from his peers, and an example of efficiency and perseverance in training, excellence and creativity in the field of work and professional training in the media.

    In her speech, Dr. Samah Al-Mohammadi, Vice President of the English Section, said that today`s orientation dayfor the students is a testament to the program`s achievements that have been achieved by its graduates. They provided a model for new and old students and shown their level of professionalism.
    The Vice-President of the English Section indicated that the speakers who attended the ceremony from among the graduates of the program were able to excel and achieve excellence in the media labor market through their ambition to achieve professional excellence.

    This was followed by a speech by the speakers, and in his speech, the journalist writer Ahmed Mahmoud in Al-Ahram newspaper, said that the level of the graduate of the Faculty of Mass Communication and the English Section program is a sign, as it appeared through many of their summer training participation,the high degree of excellence of the student of the Faculty of Mass Communication, and has the highest level of professionalism that outperforms others.
    Speaking about his experience Dr. GalalZaki said that the students of the English srction program at the Faculty of Mass Communication are considered a distinct mark in the level of academic achievement, and this appears in the extent of their academic knowledge, their perseverance in attending exams and study lectures, wishing the new students excellence and congratulating them on the start of the new academic year.

    Speaking about her experience ImanEzz El-Din, TV presenter at CBC, said that the English Section program sought to achieve all means of training and professional competence for its students, and was able to provide all possible means for its students in terms of training, academic studying as well, explaining to new students that studying throughout the period of joining the program is a journey of academic creativity and efficiency in the level of qualification for the professional future.
    In his speech, Fadi Amir, one of the directors of public relations, stressed the importance of training and qualification, explaining that only theoretical study in the field of media is not sufficient, noting that the faculty seeks to develop the skills of its students and raise their efficiency in professional and practical terms without limiting the matter only to receiving theoretical content in the field of media.
    For his side, Mahmoud Al-Saeed, presenter of programs on the Extra News channel, began his speech to the students by congratulating them on their enrollment in the English section program, explaining that studying at the Faculty along with the training is the reason behind qualifying him for the media labor market, noting that he sought during the third year of studying to keep pace with the training programs which managed to qualify him for the media platform until he became a presenter on the Extra News satellite channel.

    Aya Lotfi, presenter of programs in the Extra News channel, said that studying at the faculty throughout the period of her enrollment is one of the fruitful things in the period of professional work, as training and qualification were conducted on aspects of photography, montage and content production through qualified training to implement a Graduation project and training of students through workshops organized for students.
    In her speech, Aya Gamal El-Din, a presenter on DMC channel, noted that qualifying for media work requires students to make a lot of effort, in light of the ease of using social networking sites, the ease of content production, and the competition of many colleagues and peers from media graduates in the field of media production.
    Heba Jalal, presenter of programs on Al-Mehwar channel, expressed her great happiness for the participation in the event with the students of the English Section program in their celebration at the beginning of the academic year, noting that the English language factor and the mastery of the Arabic language are among the things that must be available together in the future media, and that the future belongs to those qualified to create content, and that the faculty seeks to develop the abilities of students of the English section program to keep pace with these important developments.

    For his part, Mohamed Zidan, the investigative journalist, presented his experience in entering the labor market after graduation, as he was able during the first period of his graduation to keep pace with the developments of the work environment until he was able to excel his professional career in investigative writing.
    In her speech, Heidi Sabry, a journalist for Al-Shorouk newspaper, said that studying in the program needs the importance of mastering the linguistic aspect on the part of the editor, and that as soon as she graduated, she worked on the foreign affairs page of the Egyptian newspaper Al-Shorouk, inviting students to pay attention to strengthening the study side with training.
    Media presenter and a graduate of the English Section HajarJameel presented the advantages of enrollment provided by the English section Program, noting that studying in the field of media has become dependent on the media industry and innovations in the field of professional media production, noting that the Faculty is still a pioneering institution in graduating distinguished students to enter the media labor market.
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    The ceremony included a presentation of the experiences of the current students of the English section in the training and study systems in the college, including the student Gina Ayman, who recently joined the field of content creator in the magazine 925 affiliated to the students of the English section, where she noted that studying in the English language program seeks to provide all means for the success of The system of qualifying students for the labor market and involving them in training, through the experience of enrolling in training in the 925 magazine project.
    At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Nermin Al-Azraq gave certificates and shields of honor to the speakers who presented their experiences in enrolling in the English language program, and souvenir photos were taken with the freshmen students.

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