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MCCU Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Faculty of Mass Communication, Ajman University 

sara sherif  (115)

    Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed El-Khosht, President of Cairo University and Dr. Karim Al-Saghir - President of Ajman University in the United Arab Emirates, today Professor Dr. Hanan Gunaid - Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, signed a memorandum of understanding with Prof. Dr. Hossam Salama, Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Ajman University in the field of practical training for Ajman media students at the Media Training, Documentation and Media Production Center within the framework of refining students’ skills in the arts of mass communication and digital media production by a group of the most skilled experts in the Egyptian and international media market in the faculty’s equipped studios and laboratories.

    The signing took place between the two sides online through the Zoom. The agreement focused on offering the latest and most important training courses required in the media labor market. It was also agreed during the meeting to expand in the future the areas of cooperation between the two sides at the academic and research levels, in addition to practical training.

    The agreement was attended in Cairo by Prof. Dr. Nashwa Akl - Director of the Media Training Center and Coordinator of Cooperation at the Faculty, Mr. Ezzat Ismail, Faculty Secretary. 

    The agreement was attended in Ajman by Dr. Safa Othman, Assistant Professor at Mass Comm. Faculty Ajman University and International Cooperation Coordinator at the Faculty, and Mrs. Haneen Antoun Director of the Office of International Affairs, Mr. Muhammad Ismail - Director of the Training Department at Ajman University.


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