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Higher Education: Publishing and Free Browsing for All Egyptian Researchers in Taylor & Francis International Journals 

sara sherif  (146)

    The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the possibility of free publishing and browsing for Egyptian researchers in Taylor & Francis journals, within the framework of the STAR initiative.

    Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, emphasized that Egyptian researchers publishing in Taylor & Francis journals is an important step in supporting scientific research in Egypt, and enhances the capabilities of Egyptian researchers and connects them to the outside world, which contributes to placing Egyptian scientific institutions in a distinguished position.

    The Minister also indicated that the (STAR) initiative is a unique initiative, which was developed to provide authors and researchers with free access to scientific articles in leading international and regional journals in all specialized fields, pointing out that Egypt’s accession to this initiative came after holding many sessions and discussion with representatives of the publishing house.

    The Minister stressed that Egypt`s joining this initiative comes from the Ministry`s keenness to reduce the financial burden on Egyptian researchers in publishing and browsing in international (Taylor & Francis) journals.

    It is worth noting that Taylor & Francis is one of the largest academic publishing houses in the world, publishing more than 2,700 journals in a wide range of academic fields, including humanities, social sciences, science and technology, engineering, and medicine.


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