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Engineer Heba Imam: My Passion For Environmental Studies Qualified Me To Work As An Ambassador (Part 1) 

sara sherif  (162)

     After being selected as one of the most influential Arab figures in the field of social responsibility and winning the Creative Writing Award in the field of awareness writing.....


    Engineer Heba Imam: I seek to enhance environmental awareness among different generations

     Interviewer: Al-Zahraa Rashad

    An engineer and consultant in the field of the environment holding many certificates and academic qualifications in this field. And has reached distinguished positions locally and internationally. She has also won several prestigious international awards. She’ll talk with us about her scientific career, and when her passion for environmental sciences began, and the secret of her passion for volunteer work, and her ambitions. Details in this interview.....

    In the beginning, we want to know about you.

    Heba Imam, an environmental engineer and consultant, and the manager of the environmental consulting department at a consulting firm in Abu Dhabi, UAE. I have been working in the field of environmental consulting since 2014 in Abu Dhabi, and also been working as an inspector at a ministry in Egypt since 2004.

      What are the most prominent scientific qualifications you have obtained?

    I obtained a master`s degree in environmental sciences and industrial development, specializing in solid waste management, from Benha University with a very good grade. I also hold a diploma in postgraduate studies in environmental sciences from Ain Shams University, and a bachelor`s degree in agriculture from Cairo University. I also obtained a diploma in occupational safety and health engineering from the Occupational Safety and Health Institute in Britain (IOSH). I am also a fellow of the Occupational Safety and Health Institute in Britain (IOSH).


    What was the topic of your master`s thesis?
    The master`s thesis was about managing and treating solid waste and converting plastic waste into fuel using a catalyst to reduce the cost of the conversion process and achieve environmental and economic feasibility of recycling plastic waste.


    When did your interest in the environment begin?
    My interest in the field of environment began when I was a high school student by studying geology and environmental sciences. This subject was taught for the first time to high school students. After that, I decided to join the faculty of Agriculture because of my passion and love for the field of environment. Despite my family’s opposition to this decision, as they wanted me to join the faculty of Education, I was able to enroll in the College of Agriculture. After I graduated, I loved studying more deeply in the field of environment, so I studied a postgraduate diploma in environmental sciences at Ain Shams University. Although Ain Shams University was three hours away from my place of residence and three hours back, this did not prevent me from studying in this field and achieving excellence, as I obtained my diploma with a very good grade.

    You worked as an environmental ambassador. How you were nominated for this high position?
    I have worked as an environmental ambassador for the Remtec Europe conference in Italy from 2020 until now, which is the most important annual international conference in Italy. I was selected for this role based on a nomination from one of the organizers of the conference, as he was following me on social media and was aware of my volunteer activities in the field of the environment.
    I was also selected as an Environmental Ambassador for the Environment Agency in Abu Dhabi, which is a voluntary role. I submitted a file that included my professional career and the volunteer work I had done, and I was selected for this role
    I was also honored by the Environment Authority for my volunteer role as an environmental ambassador, I was subsequently nominated as one of the environmental experts in the Authority at the beginning of this year, which is also a volunteer role.
    What is your vision that qualified you for this position?
    My vision is to promote environmental awareness and encourage a shift towards a more sustainable future. I want to spread awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and moving towards sustainable practices in all aspects of life. I also seek to encourage joint action between different sectors, including governments, companies and individuals, to achieve sustainable development. I work to support policies and initiatives that protect the environment and the adoption of environmentally friendly practices.


    In addition, I work to promote environmental education and make people aware of existing environmental challenges and how to contribute to solving them and motivate individuals to take individual and collective actions to preserve the environment. I also want to promote a vision of a world in which humans live in balance with nature, enjoy a high quality of life and preserve natural resources for future generations.

    Why were you chosen among the most influential Arab figures in the field of social responsibility?

    My choice for this was based on the volunteer work I provided during my professional career, which has exceeded 19 years.

    The “My Community, My Responsibility” campaign that you organized.. What is the aim of this campaign?
    Establishing an initiative called “My Community, My Responsibility” was one of the most prominent volunteer works that I am proud of, which aimed to encourage volunteer work and establish a culture of volunteering in society.
    You were honored by the Arab Women Pioneers Network. Tell us about this honor and how you were nominated for this?
    I was honored by the Arab Women Pioneers Network in recognition of my professional career and the volunteer work I did. I was nominated for this honor by Dr. Dalila Mokhtar, head of the network’s branch in Egypt and president of the National Youth Council, where I was also working as a volunteer in the National Youth Council in a simulation model for the Egyptian government. I represented the position of Assistant Minister of the Environment, and I was also honored for this role by the National Youth Council.


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