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Engineer Heba Imam: Choosing Sharm El Sheikh As The Most Capable Cities Of Facing Climate Change Is A Source Of Pride For Me As An Egyptian (Part 2) 

sara sherif  (177)

    Interviewer: Al-Zahraa Rashad

    This year you won the Creative Writing Award... What does this award represent to you?
    Winning the Creative Writing Award was a big surprise to me, as I did not expect that my awareness articles in the field of environment, sustainable development, and women’s empowerment would be able to compete in the competition. But my husband and my children encouraged me to participate, and I actually participated and won and was honored with a special ceremony in the Emirate of Dubai, and local and international newspapers reported on my honor. This award means a lot to me; It represents appreciation and recognition for the efforts I have made in spreading environmental awareness. It reinforces my desire to continue working in the field of the environment and raising environmental awareness.

    What do you aim for in your environmental writing?

    Through my writings, I aim to raise environmental awareness for all segments of society and simplify scientific information related to the environment, in order to reach largest possible number of segments of society and achieving a more sustainable world.
    What about your participation in the Global Resilience Forum?
    The Global Resilience Forum was organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the government and police of Dubai. It was considered a platform for bringing together global leaders, experts, and stakeholders to exchange experiences and identify strategies that enhance the resilience of cities to disasters. The forum discussed early warning systems and climate finance. The event provided practical strategies and opened the way for the development of cities that are more resilient to climate change.

    I was happy that one of the cities that was presented as a model for resilient cities in facing the challenges of climate change was the city of Sharm El-Sheikh. This was presented by Major General Khaled Fouda, governor of South Sinai. The audience was impressed with the model of Sharm El-Sheikh.

    You were chosen among the top fifty exceptional expatriate individuals to create a bright future... What did this represent for you?
    This choice was based on my professional career in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, which has lasted for more than 12 years, and because I have left a clear mark in my field of work. Especially since the UAE and Abu Dhabi in particular attract expertise from all over the world, and the competition in the labor market here is very large, and it is difficult to leave a mark in the field of work unless you rely on continuous professional and personal development.


    In fact, since I graduated from university, I have been working on developing myself and my professional skills, and self-learning. I also reject the word "expatriate," as the United Arab Emirates is my second country where I have never felt foreign. I have found all the support, help, and belief in my abilities with everyone I have worked with in the UAE.
    What about participating in the Egyptology program abroad?
    This program was a turning point in my professional career. I thought that the Egyptian Women Abroad program was just an ordinary training program, but what prompted me to apply was that it targets Egyptian women abroad. This aroused my curiosity and made me more eager to be part of this program. I successfully passed the personal interview and we started studying for a period of 6 months. It was a unique and distinctive experience, I advise every Egyptian woman residing abroad to join this program. I would like to thank the National Training Academy for launching this distinguished program.

    How did your family support you to achieve this success?
    The support of my husband and children has played a major role in my professional success and the achievement of my goals. First, my husband was aware of the importance of my work and he provided me with full support and continuous encouragement. In addition, my children had an important role in motivating and supporting me. They supported me in organizing my time and providing me with the necessary emotional support in difficult times. In general, the support I received from my husband and children boosted my self-confidence and gave me the strength and enthusiasm to continue to achieve my goals. This support makes me feel that I am not alone in my professional journey.

    In light of your work as an environmental expert for many years, how can you develop an effective media discourse in the field of environment and climate change?

    There are several factors that should be taken into account when formulating and establishing an effective media discourse in this field. The first is to define the target audience; it is necessary to identify the target group for the media discourse, whether they are students, employees, or a local community, so that the discourse is effectively targeted towards them.

    In addition to this, it is important to use simple and clear language, avoiding complex technical terms and using language that is understandable to everyone. Real-world examples and stories can be used to illustrate the potential impacts of climate change. In addition, the discourse should focus on the personal impacts of climate change, such as rising temperatures, sea level rise, and declining air quality. The focus should be on how this will affect people`s lives and health.




    The discourse should also encourage the audience to take effective action to mitigate climate change, such as conserving energy, reducing plastic use, and planting trees. It should include realistic and practical ideas that individuals can implement in their daily lives. It is also important to use appropriate media to reach the target audience, such as television advertisements, print media, and social media. Community events and workshops can also be organized to raise awareness.

    Also focusing on successful examples of individuals and communities that have taken effective action to protect the environment and adapt to climate change. These examples can inspire others to take similar steps.

    It is also important to collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and experts in the field of the environment and climate change, highlighting a clear and practical solution to the environmental and climate change challenges. New and innovative technologies that contribute to improving the environment and reducing harmful emissions can be reviewed.

    Finally, it is important to evaluate and track the results. The effectiveness of the media discourse should be evaluated to determine whether it has had an impact on the target audience and motivated them to take actual action. Surveys and opinion polls can be used to measure the impact and improve the discourse in the future.

    In conclusion, what are the most important things you are seeking to achieve in the coming period?
    I would like to promote environmental awareness and stimulate active participation in environmental protection and climate change. As the growing awareness of the importance of preserving the environment will contribute to achieving sustainable development, I aspire for a world without waste. I hope that one day I will be one of the decision makers in the field of environmental protection.

     On a personal level, I look forward to enhancing my abilities in project management and strategic planning, in order to achieve my professional goals and organize my work more effectively. I also want to develop scientific research and writing skills, in order to spread knowledge and participate in formulating environmental policies and relevant legislation.


    On the general level, I hope to be able to motivate the public and society to take effective measures to protect the environment and adapt to climate change, through awareness-raising articles, lectures, and participation in public activities. I want to educate future generations about the importance of the environment and encourage them to participate in environmental work, by working with schools, universities, and youth institutions. My professional, personal, and public ambitions revolve around enhancing environmental awareness, providing effective consultations in the field of the environment, and achieving economic development through the sustainable environment.

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