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Minister of Higher Education Meets with British University of Exeter Delegation to Discuss Joint Cooperation 

sara sherif  (130)

    Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, met with a delegation from the British University of Exeter, which includes Professor Richard Follett, Vice President of the University, Professor Alexandra Gerbasi, Dean of the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economics, and Mr. Peter Clack, Head of Global Partnerships at the University, at the Ministry’s headquarters in the New Administrative Capital.

    At the beginning of the meeting, the Minister stressed the depth of bilateral relations between Egypt and Britain, praising the increase in cooperation between the two countries in the field of university education, stressing the necessity of exchanging scientific expertise between Egyptian universities and their British counterparts to enhance expertise between the two sides, indicating that the coming period will witness a partnership between Exeter University and Ain Shams Public University.

    During the meeting, the two sides discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation between Egyptian universities and the British University of Exeter, especially in priority areas that serve the sustainable development plan (Egypt Vision 2030), and benefit from shared experiences in the fields of higher education and scientific research, especially with regard to linking higher education and scientific research with the needs of the industry and the requirements of the labor market, whether at the local, regional or international level, as well as benefiting from the experience of the University of Exeter in enhancing cooperation with partners in industrial institutions.

    For their part, the Exeter University delegation praised the level of distinguished relations between Egypt and Britain, stressing the importance of continuing cooperation in implementing joint scientific projects between the two countries, appreciating the support of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to invest in education and strengthen partnerships with international institutions.


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