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From Hobby to Happiness: "Exploring the Magic of Handmade Arts 

sara sherif  (181)

    By Digital Media Team

    In today`s fast-paced digital age, where technology dominates our lives, it`s easy to overlook the beauty and significance of traditional crafts. This is especially true for the younger generations, who may not fully appreciate the profound psychological effects that engaging in handmade arts can have on their mental health and many other benefits.

    Join Sarah, Jana, Zeina, Aya, Rawda, Reem, Rama, Sama in this journey to rediscover the joy of creating. Click the following link whether you are an aspiring artist or simply an admirer of homemade art. https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/14ZseNDKEr3gy 

    This project was part of the digital media course, under the supervision of Dr. Radwa Mabrook and TA. Menna Essam Rashed.

    Produced by:

    Sarah Ahmed Mohamed
    Jana Mohamed Mahmoud Elgabry
    Zeina Ahmed mohamed
    Aya Abdelhamed sayed
    Jana Amr Kamal
    Rawda Sherif mohamed
    Reem ahmed abdelsadek  
    Rama ahmed abdelnaby  
    Sama Nabil Mohamed  
    Sama Osama Anwer




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