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Minister of Higher Education Announces Inclusion of 28 Egyptian Universities in the First Edition of Arab Classification of Arab Universities 

sara sherif  (156)

    Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, announced the inclusion of 28 Egyptian universities in the first edition of the Arab classification of Arab universities, out of 115 Arab universities that were included in the classification.

    The Minister of Higher Education explained that the great progress of Egyptian universities in this classification is due to the interest of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in implementing the directives of the political leadership to raise the ranking of Egyptian universities and research institutions in international classifications, and applying the principle of international reference within the national strategy for higher education and scientific research launched by the Ministry in March 2023.

    Dr. Ayman Ashour pointed out that the Arab Republic of Egypt was the most represented in the classification, and occupied first place through the presence of 28 Egyptian universities out of 115 Arab universities.

    Cairo University topped the list of Egyptian universities locally and ranked second in the Arab world. Ain Shams University came in fourth place, then Mansoura University in fifth place, followed by Alexandria University in ninth place, then Zagazig University in tenth place.

    Dr. Abeer Al-Shater, Assistant Minister for Technical Affairs, indicated that the classification of Arab universities depends on accuracy and objectivity, and depends on 4 main indicators: the quality of teaching and learning, the excellence of faculty members by 30%, scientific research 30%, leadership and innovation 20%, international cooperation, and community service. 20% and creating an Arab influence factor.

    208 Arab universities applied for the classification, while 115 Arab universities representing 16 countries out of a total of 22 Arab countries met the admission requirements.

    Dr. Adel Abdel Ghaffar, the media advisor and official spokesman for the Ministry, confirmed that the progress of Egyptian universities in the Arab classification of Arab universities is due to the increased interest in scientific research in Egypt, and the encouragement of researchers to publish scientifically which works to contribute to improving the classification of Egyptian universities.


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