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Vice President of Cairo University for Education and Student Affairs inspects progress of exams at Faculty of Mass Comm. accompanied by Dean Dr. Salwa Al-Awadly 

heba karim-eldin  (201)

    Dr. Ahmed Ragab surveyed the exam atmosphere for Cairo University media students.

    Dr. Salwa Al-Awadly: The inspection tour ensured availability of quality exam standards.

    Dr. Ahmed Ragab, Vice President of Cairo University for Education and Student Affairs, conducted an inspection tour accompanied by Dean Dr. Salwa Al-Awadly of the Faculty of Mass Comm. at Cairo University. This was to ensure the progress of exams for the first semester at Cairo University, where the inspection tour included verifying the workflow of exam invigilation at different academic levels, and ensuring adherence to the exam rules announced by Cairo University.

    The inspection tour included touring the exam halls for students of academic programs held in the college`s main building and the exam hall adjacent to the college building.



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