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Fadi Francis, son of Mass Communication Faculty, who excelled in sculpture and photography: My goal is to communicate arts and simplify them for all audiences 

sara sherif  (79)

    Written by: Al-Zahraa Rashad

    A journalist and artist, he loved art and delved into the corridors of Her Majesty until he succeeded in engraving his name in Egypt and internationally. He won multiple awards, and major newspapers and news agencies wrote about him. In the following lines, we get to know him and discover the details of his professional and artistic steps....

    “Fadi Francis was born in 1991 AD. I spent a long period of my childhood in Luxor Governorate, which was reflected in my artistic formation through my influence by the place; where I began to visit most of the ancient temples, and my talent for drawing appeared from an early age.” With these words he introduced himself, and talked about the beginning of the emergence of His love for the arts.




    Fadi joined the Faculty of Mass Communication, and his choice of this major came from his desire to benefit from the diversity of the knowledge fields in which it is taught. He wanted to become a professional in the art of caricature, and he began training in the art of journalism early. He also held an art exhibition in Hamburg, Germany, in 2011 while he was still a student. After graduating in 2013, he worked in “Al-Masry Al-Youm” newspaper in several sections, including covering foreign affairs, the Ministry of Antiquities, and the Ministry of Environment. He also covered a number of important events such as the COP27 Sharm El-Sheikh Conference. He also conducted dialogues with foreign ministers of foreign affairs and heads of countries such as the Republic of... Cyprus, and conducting a dialogue with the first woman to hold the position of President of Ecuador, and his mastery of several languages ​​allowed him the ability to speak with figures from different countries.

    His investigation into one of the Egyptian workers who contributed to the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun was one of the most prominent journalistic investigations he conducted in 2022, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the tomb. At that time, he traveled to Luxor and searched for this man’s family, and succeeded after many attempts in finding them. His name was “Hussein Ahmed Al-Sayyid,” and about this investigation he said, “My goal was to shed light on this man and his role in discovering the cemetery within the team that discovered it in 1922, headed by the British Howard Carter. The truth is that I relied heavily on photographs to support the information received.” In this investigation, photographing his family, honoring this man, whose role was not mentioned, and highlighting the scenes of the discovery of the tomb, and the aftermath of the discovery, and that investigation was entitled “Secrets of the Golden King.” My brother, Shadi Francis, the film director, helped me in conducting the montage of this investigation, which was produced on TV. Al-Masry Al-Youm, in photography and directing.


    “Fadi” has displayed his artistic production in several art exhibitions since he was a student at the Faculty of Information, where he held an art workshop during his university studies, and held an art exhibition. There was great support from the college professors and the Youth Welfare Administration for his artistic talent, and he opened his first exhibition in 2011 in Germany with academic sponsorship. Cairo Arts Center. He also held an exhibition of his works in sculpture at the Opera House, and it was called “Human Concern.” This exhibition included his works in clay and wrote about him in 18 languages. He sculpted one hundred figures in clay, and his goal was to bring together figures from different cultures in one place and from These characters are Confucius, Mother Therese, Umm Kulthum, Pele, Maradona, Tagour, Dr. Taha Hussein, Naguib Mahfouz, William Shakespeare, Beethoven, Mozart, and he made an imaginary statue of Queen Hatshepsut and King Seti I, who is known for his interest in the arts.

    Francis aspires to develop his skills in drawing, sculpture, and photography, and to travel more countries, in addition to developing his professional capabilities in the field of journalism, and to develop his abilities in new fields such as documentaries, and to engage in new journalistic experiences in the field of Cross Media, and to develop his skills in the field of Electronic drawing, and the field of montage.


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