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From Passion to Action: “Dawarra” Campaign Inspires Sustainable Solutions Through Simple Steps  

sara sherif  (111)

    In a world seeking to achieve sustainability, 14 students of the faculty of Mass Communication, English section at Cairo University decided to raise the awareness of the youth from the age 18 until 17 with the importance of the sustainable development goals relating them to Egypt’s vision 2030 and for this topic, they have launched an awareness campaign on the social media platforms.

    By using various techniques such as the infotainment content they depend on, the series of short episodes or the simple engaging games to deliver the information easily, they exert efforts in acknowledging to the youth that the sustainability can be achieved by simple actions that can be done easily throughout our day and that it’s able to be a lifestyle not just a trend that will disappear after a short period of time.

    The campaign is supervised by Dr. Taghreed Magdy, PR and Advertising lecturer and Ms. Malak Asaad, PR & Advertising Teaching Assistant participating with a group of students including Basmala Lotfy, Nadine Ahmed, Heidi Ahmad, Aliaa Mahmoud, Nada Anwar, Salma Alaa, Malak Ali, Haneen Elshamaa, Rokaya Khaled, Yara Mohamed, Lina Abdelaziz, Lama Abdelwahab, Rawan Abdelsalam and Merna Hesham.


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