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Marketing Role In Our Daily Lives 

sara sherif  (106)


    By: Nouran Sherif - Yasmeen Ayman


    In today`s tough business world, marketing is like a secret weapon. It helps businesses connect with the right people and sell their stuff. From figuring out who might like their products to spreading the word about them, marketing covers a lot of ground. This intro sets the scene for exploring why marketing is so crucial for businesses aiming to do well in fast-changing markets.

    As Dr. Alia Riad, Teaching Assistant of Intro to Advertising course, Faculty of Mass communication, Cairo University said: “Marketing involves understanding the needs of the target audience and promoting products or services to generate sales. It is crucial for businesses as it helps them identify their target audience, stay competitive, attract new customers, retain existing ones, and position themselves effectively in the market.”

    “Effective marketing strategies can lead to increased brand recognition, customer loyalty, and revenue growth. Marketing encompasses a broader set of activities aimed at promoting products or services, while advertising is just one tactic used within the marketing strategy. Both aim to generate sales, but marketing involves a more comprehensive approach that includes various elements such as product development, pricing, distribution, and promotion. While advertising focuses on creating awareness and persuading consumers to act, marketing encompasses a broader range of activities aimed at understanding consumer needs, creating value, and building long-term relationships with customers. The marketing mix consists of four key components: product, place, price, and promotion. These elements work together to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that addresses product development, distribution channels, pricing strategies, and promotional activities.”

    “By effectively managing the marketing mix, businesses can optimize their efforts to meet customer needs, maximize profitability, and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Target audience segmentation involves demographic and psychographic factors. Demographic factors include personal information such as age, gender, location, social class, and education level, while psychographic factors include lifestyle, media habits, attitudes, and opinions. Understanding the target audience allows businesses to tailor their marketing messages and strategies to resonate with specific consumer segments, increasing the likelihood of success.”




    She added: “Market research is essential for businesses to understand consumer behavior, identify market trends, and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies. It helps businesses make informed decisions about product positioning, promotional activities, and target audience preferences. By gathering and analyzing data from various sources, including surveys, focus groups, and customer feedback, businesses can gain valuable insights into consumer needs, preferences, and behaviors, enabling them to develop more targeted and effective marketing campaigns. The effectiveness of marketing efforts can be measured based on predefined goals or objectives. This may include increasing brand awareness, sales, or customer engagement. Evaluation tools such as surveys, sales data analysis, and feedback mechanisms are used to assess the success of marketing campaigns. By regularly monitoring key performance indicators and adjusting strategies as needed, businesses can ensure that their marketing efforts are aligned with their overall objectives and are delivering measurable results.”

     “Businesses need to conduct ongoing research and pay attention to market dynamics to stay updated with the latest marketing trends. This involves monitoring industry developments, competitor activities, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies. By staying ahead of the curve and adapting to changing market conditions, businesses can remain competitive and capitalize on new opportunities for growth and expansion.”


    She cleared: “Advertisements can influence consumer behavior depending on various factors such as the target audience`s receptivity, existing attitudes, and willingness to change. While ads may not always lead to immediate behavior change, they can contribute to shaping perceptions and influencing purchasing decisions over time. Effective advertising campaigns leverage emotional appeals, storytelling, and persuasive messaging to create meaningful connections with consumers and drive desired outcomes. By understanding the psychological principles underlying consumer behavior, businesses can create more impactful and memorable advertising campaigns that resonate with their target audience and drive desired behaviors. Marketing plays a crucial role in understanding consumer behavior, promoting products or services, and driving business success. By leveraging key marketing principles and staying updated with market trends, businesses can effectively engage their target audience and achieve their marketing objectives. Through strategic planning, market research, and creative execution, businesses can create compelling marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers, build brand loyalty, and generate sustainable growth in today`s competitive marketplace.”

    To sum up, marketing is like the engine that drives business success in a world that`s always changing. By putting customers first and using smart strategies, businesses can grow, keep customers happy, and make good money. As businesses keep up with what`s hot in marketing and what their customers want, they can become top players in their fields, making strong connections with their customers and enjoying the rewards of great marketing.


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