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A new international achievement for Cairo University: 73 of Cairo University scientists are among the top 2% of scientists in the world on Stanford’s list of top Egyptian universities for the third year in a row 

heba karim-eldin  (304)

    Cairo University President Mohamed Othman Elkhosht announced the inclusion of 73 university scientists in Stanford’s list of the best 2% of scientists in the world, topping Egyptian universities for the third year in a row with the largest number of Egyptian scientists cited in various disciplines, with a rate of 10.7%, according to indicators The composite citation, as part of a list that included scientists from different countries of the world in 22 diverse scientific fields and 176 sub-disciplines.
    Dr. Mohamed El-Khosht said that Cairo University has made great progress in the Stanford list during the past 3 years, explaining that the announced list included scientists from 11 faculties, as 28 scientists from the Faculty of Science, 14 from the Faculty of Pharmacy, and 10 from the Faculty of Kasr Al-Ainywere included, 8 from the College of Engineering, 4 from the College of Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2 each from Dentistry, Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, and one scientist each from the Graduate School of Statistical Research, the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Laser Sciences.

    Dr. Elkhosht: Cairo University scholars are the most cited in various disciplines with a rate of 10.7% in a list that includes scientists in 22 diverse fields and 176 sub-specialties

    Mohamed El-Khosht congratulated the Cairo University scientists who were included in the Stanford list of the best 2% of the world’s scientists in various major and sub-disciplines, and who represent honorable models for the university at all local, regional and international levels, praising their outstanding efforts in scientific research and the educational process and progress on major international universities. in the most prestigious world rankings.

    Dr. Mohamed El-Khosht stressed Cairo University’s keenness to pay attention to the advancement of scientific research and increase the number of internationally published research, and to support researchers with all the necessary capabilities to increase the number of research and international participation, develop its quality and quality in terms of quantity and quality, develop laboratories, form research teams and support them morally, materially and logistically, which contributes to Achieving advanced positions in international classifications in various disciplines, excellence in Egypt, regionally and globally, and enhancing the confidence of the international scientific and research community in its scientists in all fields and specializations. .

    Dr. Elkhosht: The university is continuing according to its strategic plan to advance globally

    Al-Khosht stressed that the university is continuing in accordance with its strategic plan to maintain the prestigious international position it has achieved, work to achieve more global progress and place Cairo University in the ranks of first-class universities in the world.

    Dr. Mohamed Mohsen Al-Attar, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, explained that this distinction for Cairo University, in Egypt, regionally and globally, is the product of Cairo University’s strategic plan 2021-2025 to transform towards a fourth-generation university to reach the world, and to provide a package of incentives for faculty members and researchers to compete. Pointing out that the university administration relied on striving hard to direct scientific research into applied research that achieves a tangible return on the economy and society, and not just an international publication of research, which contributed greatly to the university`s positioning in advanced positions in all disciplines in international classifications due to the high quality of published research, which It is cited in all international fields.
    It is worth noting that the Stanford University list of the top 2% of scientists around the world in various fields of science uses the Scopus database of the global publisher Elsevier to extract various indicators, including global scientific publication, the number of total and quality citations in each discipline, the H index, co-authorship, and citation Compound, and the number of internationally peer-reviewed papers.

    Dr. Al-Attar: Our scholars are distinguished as a result of the university’s strategic plan 2021-2025 to transform towards a fourth-generation university

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