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Statement of the Military Spokesman on the University’s Celebration of the Glorious October Victory: Cairo University organizes an educational symposium on the October victories in cooperation with the Armed Forces 

heba karim-eldin  (297)

    Within the framework of Egypt and the armed forces’ celebrations commemorating the glorious October victories, Cairo University, in cooperation with the Department of Moral Affairs of the Armed Forces, organized an educational symposium to instill the spirit of loyalty and belonging and spread awareness among university students by shedding light on the heroism and sacrifices of the men of the armed forces in the glorious October War, as well as honoring the heroes of The battle of Abu Atwa, in the university`s grand celebration hall .

    The symposium started with a speech by Dr. Mohamed Elkhosht, President of Cairo University, in which he thanked the General Command of the Armed Forces for its participation in organizing the symposium. He also saluted the heroes of the Armed Forces who sacrificed the most precious to liberate the land and achieve the great victory.
    He stressed that the Glorious October War is a major epic in the history of Egypt, as it showed who is Egypt and who is the Egyptian army, and that what the Egyptian army men did caused the enemy to be surprised and incurred heavy losses, leading to the victory that restored the Egyptians their pride and dignity, advising the current generation to read and know the glories The October War, adding that Egypt is a country that carries a great heritage of pride and dignity of which we are proud, generation after generation.

    The activities of the symposium included a lecture delivered by Major General A / Samir Farag, the strategic expert, which dealt with the details of the glorious October war and the integrated planning of the victory battle, in addition to highlighting the extent of the valor and courage of the Egyptian soldier and his role in achieving this great victory.
    Two recording films produced by the Department of Morale Affairs were also shown, which dealt with the heroism of the armed forces men who recorded their names in letters of light in the history of the Egyptian military, as well as the national role played by the armed forces in various crises.

    This was followed by the honoring of the President of Cairo University for the heroes of the battle of Abu Atwa and their families, and the shield of Cairo University was gifted to Major General A.H / Samir Farag, in honor of his efforts and his heroic role during the glorious October War.
    The symposium was attended by the university`s vice presidents, deans of faculties, deans, professors, administrators, students and university employees

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