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Minister of Higher Education receives the Austrian Ambassador in Cairo Ashour stresses the importance of cooperation between Egyptian and Austrian technological universities 

heba karim-eldin  (300)

    Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Received Dr. Georg Stilfried, Ambassador of Austria in Cairo; To discuss ways to support cooperation between Egypt and Austria in the scientific and research fields, in the presence of Dr. Ashraf Al-Azzazi, Head of the Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector at the Ministry, Dr. Mohamed El-Shennawy, Acting President of Galala University, and Dr. Mostafa Refaat, Advisor to the Deputy Minister for International Agreements, at the Ministry’s headquarters.
    At the beginning of the meeting, the minister stressed the depth of relations between Egypt and Austria, especially in the educational and cultural fields, pointing to the importance of strengthening scientific cooperation between the ministry, Egyptian universities and the Austrian side, stressing the need to expand support for the partnership between Egyptian and Austrian research and scientific institutions in the fields of education. higher education and scientific research.

    He drew Dr. Ashour led the state to establish 10 new technological universities covering all regions of the republic, which are (New Cairo Technological - Delta Technological - BeniSuef Technological, October 6th Technological - Borg El Arab Technological - East Port Said Technological - Thebes Technological - New Assiut Technological - Samanoud Technological - Egypt technology international).
    The minister stressed that the state is seeking to establish more technological universities during the coming period, which include new specializations and study programs that are consistent with the nature of the industrial areas in which these universities are located, and meet the needs of the labor market.
    Dr. Ashour pointed to the success of the Egyptian-Korean experience in the field of technological education through cooperation between the Korea University of Technology and Education (Koreatech) in South Korea, Samsung, and BeniSuef University of Technology.

    The Minister also reviewed the higher education system, pointing out that we have 20 private Egyptian universities, explaining that these universities contribute to providing higher education, whether at the academic or applied level, and thus contribute to providing high-quality educational opportunities in various scientific disciplines, as well as qualifying graduates. To be able to compete in the local, regional and global labor markets.
    During the meeting, the two sides discussed mechanisms for strengthening cooperation relations between Egyptian and Austrian technological universities, especially in practical and applied fields in cooperation with major industrial companies, as well as raising the efficiency of training, in addition to activating more aspects of cooperation in joint research programs in the priority areas of the two countries, as well as Cooperation between the Egyptian Space Agency and its Austrian counterpart.

    For his part, the Austrian ambassador in Cairo stressed the continuation of cooperation between Egypt and Austria in the implementation of joint scientific projects between the two countries, pointing to his country`s keenness to push and encourage bilateral cooperation with Egypt during the next stage, stressing the depth of relations between the two countries, especially after the visit of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. The President of the Republic to Austria in 2018, and the visit of the Speaker of the Austrian House of Representatives to Egypt in 2020. .

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